5-Hydroxytryptophan 5-HTP (5 htp)
5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP (5 htp)) is a metabolite of the amino acid L-tryptophan (LT), which appears as an intermediate in the conversion of L-tryptophan to serotonin. In the application of 5-HTP (5 htp), the conversion of L-tryptophan to 5-HTP (5 htp) by the enzyme Tryptophanhydrolase - and is bridged so that the geschwindigkeitslimitierende step in serotonin synthesis, The human body uses include 5-HTP (5 htp) for the production of melatonin. The Tryptophanhydrolase can be inhibited by numerous factors, including stress, insulin resistance, vitamin B6 deficiency and inadequate intake of magnesium. At the same time the same factors, the conversion of 5-Htp L-tryptophan in kynurenine under catalysis of Tryptophanoxygenase may increase and thus to reduce the time available for the serotonin production of 5-HTP (5htp) L-tryptophan-set. 5-HTP (5 htp) Nonessential Micronutrient 5-HTP (5 htp) is a precursor to serotonin, the neurotransmitter that signals our brains to feel happy and content.
5-HTP (5 htp) as a Precursor
5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP (5 htp)), more L-5-hydroxytryptophan (S)-
5-hydroxytryptophan], is a non-proteinogenic α-amino acid with a lipophilic aromatic SeitenkeL-5-hydroxytryptophan is like L-tryptophan and serotonin in different varieties of bananas before, also tte in the seeds of the African Black Bean (Griffonia simplicifolia). It is an intermediate in the synthesis of serotonin from L-tryptophan in OrganismeDie effect of L-5-hydroxytryptophan (as well as of L-tryptophan) is often described as a mood, calm and weight loss. The mood-effect of 5-HTP (5 htp) will presumably be based on the fact that it is converted to serotonin in the human body. It is assumed that brightened up by increased levels of serotonin, the mood and depression can be alleviated. 5-hydroxytryptophan does not have its own biological function in the human body, but is in the human body (for the serotonin synthesis and, consequently, also used for melatonin synthesis).
5-HTP (5 htp) function
To transfer information from one nerve cell to another to be messengers, distributed neurotransmitters. 5-HTP (5 htp) Most cells use acetylcholine as a transmitter substance, but there are currently in the hypothalamus and other such serotonin or dopamine. The cell bodies of neurons with serotonin as a neurotransmitter found in the raphe nuclei as part of the brainstem and diencephalon. 5-HTP (5 htp) They are also with the limbic system (amygdala and hippocampus) and connected to the cerebrum and the cerebellum. 5-HTP (5 htp) Other nerve fibers with serotonin as a messenger running down into the spinal cord and control muscle activity. 5-HTP (5htp) Serotonin is also involved in a variety of body functions and services that affect the brain, memory, learning, hormone, the function of internal organs and muscle function. 5-HTP (5 htp) This is not only in humans but also in such animals. We now know 14 types of 5-HTP receptors. The various institutions which have lead to serotonin neurons different receptors. The 5-HTP (5 htp) receptor is for example present in muscle cells of the endothelium of blood vessels. These play in migraine and the fight against drugs through a role 5-HTP (5 htp). About this synapse can now be influenced by the stimulating interneuron lasting serotonin transmission of information on sensory neuron of the skin and create a learning process., Since this transport molecule is also taken by several other amino acids in the claim, the presence of these competing amino acids, the 5-HTP (5 htp) L-tryptophan delaying transport into the brain.
5-HTP (5 htp) and serotonin Level
The serotonin levels in the brain is highly dependent on the 5 HTP levels. Other neurotransmitters in the brain such as dopamine, melatonin and example increase beta endorphin. 5-HTP (5 htp) is well absorbed after oral administration. In about 70 percent of the administered dose reaches the bloodstream. Due to the presence of other amino acids, the absorption of 5-HTP (5 htp) is not impeded. 5 HTP can therefore be taken with food, without its effectiveness is compromised. In contrast to L-Tryptophan 5 HTP can be no other metabolic physiological functions, such as the formation of niacin or protein page. Of serotonin in the brain depends greatly on the 5-HTP (5 htp) and L-tryptophan from the mirror from the central nervous system. 5 HTP can cross the blood-brain barrier easily, without relying on the involvement of a transport molecule. 5-HTP (5 htp) L-tryptophan, however, can only reach with the help of a transport molecule in the CNS. the amino acid tryptophan is converted to 5-HTP (5htp), which is converted to serotonin. 5-HTP (5 htp) 5-Hydroxytryptophan is decarboxylated to serotonin.
5-HTP (5 htp) and Insomnia
The insomnia can also be successfully treated with 5-HTP (5 htp), especially dei quality of sleep, REM sleep is positively influenced. At doses of 600 mg in the evening in 2 divided doses of 200mg at 21.15 clock and 400 mg at 23.15 clock showed a significant improvement in REM sleep, however, with strong steilweise dreams. Even with smaller doses of tangible successes have been achieved. Serotonin is converted into melatonin, a hormone need to regulate sleep-wake cycles. Because 5-HTP (5 htp) is thought to increase serotonin levels, it may increase melatonin and help normalize sleep patterns. 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP (5 htp)), also known as oxitriptan (INN), is a naturally occurring amino acid and chemical precursor as well as metabolic intermediate in the biosynthesis of the neurotransmitters serotonin and melatonin from tryptophan. 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP (5 htp)) is decarboxylated to serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine or 5-HTP (5 htp)) by the enzyme aromatic-L-amino-acid decarboxylase with the help of vitamin B6. This reaction occurs both in nervous tissue and in the liver. 5-HTP (5 htp) crosses the blood-brain barrier, while 5-HTP (5htp) does not. Excess 5-HTP (5 htp), especially when administered with Vitamin B6, is thought to be metabolized and excreted.
5-HTP (5 htp) for pain
The primary Ffibromyalgie syndrome is characterized by general muscle pain. These are different tender points to monitor fatigue, morning stiffness and sleep disturbance. In fibromyalgia patients, it also has low serotonin and tryptophan levels are found in some studies were significant Verbersserungen by administering ttricyklischen and SSRI Anntidepressiva. Some studies have actually found that 5-HTP (5 htp), many of these symptoms significantly improved. E.g. were about 30 days for 50 patients administered 3 times daily 100 mg of 5 HTP and it could be observed significant improvements. Fibromyalgia is a disorder that presents symptoms of tender joints, pain throughout the body, stiff muscles, fatigu. 5-HTP (5 htp) may stimulate a feedback loop between the brain and the adrenal glands. 5-HTP (5htp) experienced significant improvements in all symptom categories, including pain.
5-HTP (5 htp) Weight Loss
It has to do with 5-HTP (5 htp)’s ability to increase serotonin levels in the brain. Most of the truly compelling research around 5-HTP (5 htp) and weight loss has come from Italy. A follow-up study by the same group enrolled 20 overweight women who try to lose weight. 27 Participants received either 5-HTP (5 htp) (900 mg per day) or placebo for two consecutive six-week periods. For the first time, there was no restriction on food, while in the second period, participants were asked, would be expected according to a defined diet that weight loss. The participants receiving placebo will not lose weight during either period. However obtained, of which 5-HTP (5htp) about 2% of their initial body weight lost during the no-diet period and an additional 3%, while on the diet. So, a woman lost an initial weight of 170 pounds over 3-1/2 lbs after 6 weeks with 5-HTP (5 htp) without dieting and another 5 lbs while dieting. Once again, participants, the 5-HTP (5 htp) experienced quicker satiety. Researchers concluded that 5-HTP (5 htp) can help with appetite control for overweight women following a weight loss program.
5-HTP (5 htp) benefit headache sufferers
Because chronic headache sufferers have low serotonin in their tissues, some researchers refer to migraine and chronic headaches as a low serotonin syndrome. There have been several clinical studies with 5-HTP (5 htp) in headaches, including migraine and tension type headaches that have shown excellent results. 14-20 In particular, the use of 5-HTP (5 htp) in the prevention of migraine headaches significant advantages over drug therapy. Although a number of drugs have proved useful in the prevention of migraine headaches, all of them with significant side effects. In contrast, 5-HTP (5htp) is very safe. There is some evidence that 5-HTP (5 htp) to prevent May that migraine, when in a dose 400-600 mg daily. Lower doses may not be proven to be effective. Finally, an 8-week double blind, placebo-controlled trial of 65 people (mostly women found) with tension headaches that 5-HTP (5htp) reduced in a dose of 100 mg three times daily does not significantly the number of headaches experienced, but, They have reduced participants' need another painkilling medications.
5-HTP (5 htp) migraine and headaches
In a 6-month trial of 124 people, 5-HTP (5 htp) (600 mg daily) proved equally effective as the standard drug methysergide.18 The most dramatic benefits were seen reductions in the intensity and duration of migraines. Since methysergide has been better than placebo for migraine headache in previous studies, which provide meaningful study results, but does not airtight, evidence that 5-HTP (5 htp) is also effective. Similarly good results were obtained in another comparative study, with a different medication and 5-HTP (5 htp) (at a dose of 400 mg daily). However, in one study, 5-HTP (5htp) (up to 300 mg daily) was less effective than the drug propranolol.20 Also, in a study with children, 5-HTP (5 htp) failed to demonstrate benefit.21 Other studies, which are sometimes cited as evidence that 5-HTP (5 htp) is effective for migraines actually enrolled adults or children with many different types of headaches (including migraine). Putting all this evidence together, it seems likely that 5-HTP (5 htp) helps people with frequent migraine headaches, when in sufficient doses, but further research must be done. Above all, we need a large double blind study comparing 5-HTP (5 htp) against placebo over a period of several months.
5-HTP (5 htp) studies on Depression
There is excellent documentation that 5-HTP (5 htp) is an effective antidepressant agent. 5-HTP (5 htp) often produces very good results in patients not responding to standard antidepressants. One of the most impressive studies of 99 patients described as suffering from "therapy resistant" depression. 1 These patients had not on previous therapy including all available antidepressant drugs and electroconvulsive therapy treatment. These therapy resistant patients received 5-HTP (5 htp) at dosages averaging 200 mg daily but ranging 50-600 mg per day. Full recovery was, there were 43 of 99 patients and significant improvement was noted in 8 more. This significant improvement in patients with long-standing, no more depression is very impressive that the author of the study to a different state "5-HTP (5htp) merits a place in the front of the ranks of the antidepressants, rather than as a last resort.
5-HTP (5 htp) studies on Antidepressants
Yes, there are several. A number of small studies have been done to compare the efficacy of 5 HTP as an antidepressant against conventional antidepressants. 5-HTP (5 htp) is equal to or better than standard antidepressant drugs and the side effects are much less strict. The study, the most important was that compared to fluvoxamine, a "selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors" such as Prozac, Paxil, and Zoloft. In the study, subjects received either 5-HTP (5 htp) (100 mg) or fluvoxamine (50 mg) three times daily for 6 weeks. 3 The percentage decrease in overall depression scores was slightly better in the 5-HTP (5 htp) group (60.7% versus 56.1%). More patients responded to 5-HTP (5 htp) than fluvoxamine and 5-HTP (5 htp) was acting faster than the fluvoxamine. Because 5-HTP (5htp) increases the levels of serotonin in the central nervous system.
The Health Benefits Of 5-HTP (5 htp)
5 HTP is a supplement that converts in the brain into serotonin, an important neurotransmitter involved in depression, behavior, appetite, impulse control, and sleep. Scientists have examined its role in anxiety, panic attacks, headache, weight loos, other conditions etc. 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP (5 htp)) is an amino acid that the intermediate step between tryptophan and the important brain chemical serotonin. There is a large amount of evidence that suggests that low serotonin levels are a common consequence of modern life. The primary therapeutic applications for 5-HTP (5htp) is for low serotonin states such as:
- 5-HTP (5 htp) Supports a calm and relaxed mood.
- 5-HTP (5 htp) Increases the body's level of serotonin.
- 5-HTP (5 htp) Supports proper mood and sleep functions.
- 5-HTP (5 htp) Helps control appetite.
- 5-HTP (5 htp) Promotes healthy sleep patterns.
- 5-htp (5 htp) suppress appetite.
- 5-HTP (5 htp) Helps Weight Loss.
5-HTP (5 htp) in other Names
5HTP, 5 HTP, 5 Hydroxy-Tryptophan, 5 Hydroxy-Tryptophane, 5-hydroxytryptophan, 5-Hydroxytryptophane, 5-Hydroxy L-Tryptophan, 5-Hydroxy L-Tryptophane, 5-Hydroxy Tryptophan, 5-Hydroxy Tryptophane, 5-L-Hydroxytryptophan, L-5 HTP, L-5 hydroxytryptophan, L-5 Hydroxytryptophane, Oxitriptan, 5-HTP.
5-HTP (5HTP) Reference
• Turner EH, Blackwell. 5-HTP (5 htp) "5-Hydroxytryptophan.
• Shaw K, Turner J, 5-HTP (5htp)5-hydroxytryptophan for depression.
• Rahman MK, Nagatsu T, Sakurai T L-5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP (5 htp)).
• Bouchard, S; Bousquet 5-HTP (5 htp) decarboxylase activity in brain and liver of cat.
• Bouchard S, Roberge. 5-HTP (5htp) 5-hydroxytryptophan decarboxylase in brain.
• Amamoto T, Sarai K On the 5-HTP (5 htp) serotonin metabolism depressive disorders.
• Hiroshima J. Med. Changes loading of L-5HTP in patients with depression.
• 5-HTP (5 htp): Uses, Side Effects, Interactions and Warnings - WebMD.
- 5-HTP efficacy and contraindications
- 5-Hydroxytryptophan
- 5-Hydroxytryptophan: a clinically-effective serotonin precursor.
- 5-HTP substances that build proteins in your body
- 5-HTP Natural remedies for depression
- 5-HTP: Supplements
5-HTP Products, Online Sale
5-HTP (5HTP) 5-Hydroxytryptophan, also known as oxitriptan, is a naturally occurring amino acid and chemical precursor as well as a metabolic intermediate in the biosynthesis of the neurotransmitters serotonin and melatonin from tryptophan. 5-HTP (5HTP) (5-Hydroxytryptophan) is a chemical by-product of the protein building block L-tryptophan. It is also produced commercially from the seeds of an African plant, 5-HTP (5HTP) is the L-5-hydroxy tryptophan form of the amino acid tryptophan. 5-HTP (5HTP) is 5-HTP (5HTP) in this product in a pure natural state before the toxicological proper extract of Griffonia simplicifolia Africa. The extract acts by its isolated form very quickly, so that the formula is suitable for people who are not even the lack of serotonin, a lack of enzymes. By increasing the serotonin - the mirror depression are treated naturally. This 5-HTP (5HTP) product is just the symptom of the 5-HTP like defect and immediately and without enzymatic buffer lack of 5-HTP (5 HTP) molecules in metabolism. The body needs the hydroxylation of 5-HTP (5HTP) from tryptophan, not to perform themselves. The product makes this a quick, easy and convenient. Order 5-htp Products, Information 5-HTP Order, 5-htp buy, 5-htp online, 5-htp Shop at Vitanatural.net .